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I hope you find great value in these Think Big Quotes about Thinking Big from my large collection of inspirational quotes and motivational sayings.
Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Related topics: Inspirational Wisdom Life Human-Nature Psychology
Think little goals and expect little achievements.
Think big goals and win big success.
- David Joseph Schwartz
Big thinking precedes great achievement.
- Wilferd A. Peterson
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Nothing big ever came from being small.
- William J. Clinton
I think it's really important to look at the big picture
instead of just one competition.
- Shannon Miller
You have to think big to be big.
- Claude M. Bristol
You have to think anyway, so why not think big?
- Donald Trump
You start to think bigger when you see how quickly a TV show can catch on in a whole country. That confidence, and thinking big, opened a lot of doors.
t- Andrew Shue
I have learned to respect ideas, wherever they come from. Often they come from clients. Account executives often have big creative ideas, regardless of what some writers think.
- Leo Burnet
I think if you have a really big, heavy person, there's a feeling of an invisible puppeteer jerking them around in space. They don't feel like they are moving themselves.
- Brad Bird
I don't think I had a Catherine Bach poster, but I know a lot of my friends desecrated those, big time.
- Sean William Scott
There were eleven publishers in New York City, and when it was all over, I think it went down to four or five, and then finally just the three of them, the Big Three.
- Dan DeCarlo
I think the big force is going to be consumer buying power.
- Roy Romer
I want a big career, a big man, and a big life. You have to think big - that's the only way to get it... I just couldn't stand being anonymous.
- Mia Farrow
What is that song that Willie Nelson sang? 'Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few.' I think of that. No big deal. I've reached a stage in my life where I am content.
- Gabriel Byrne
You tend to think that there is a big gap between F1 and everything else. F1 is where all the fantastic drivers are, so you just don't know how good you are until you get there.
- Jean Alesi
I think most people realize that Barbara and Jenna are college kids, and to make such a big deal out of it is a bit ridiculous. At least now, the press has stopped.
- Lauren Bush
As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.
- Donald Trump
I think good radio often uses the techniques of fiction: characters, scenes, a big urgent emotional question. And as in the best fiction, tone counts for a lot.
- Ira Glass
My second record was all about big ideas - I was trying to make big statements about the culture, about life. I think in a certain way, I was a 27 year old kid with a guitar.
- Duncan Sheik
If you're going to be thinking, you may as well think big.
- Donald Trump
We have a big opportunity in China. We think the number of stores here can rival the number in North America.
- Howard Schultz
But I don't think I was ever destined to be a big star.
- Chris Elliott
I think that the public is in and the public is in big, and the public is not, I don't think going to pull out because the public knows what I said about 1987.
- Jim Cramer
When I get older, I don't think I'll like to have wrinkles, or a big jelly belly. I cannot have it.
- Adriana Lima
I was a militant smoker, and in my case, I think I particularly used smoking because what I felt was a kind of politically correct big brother assault on smoking.
- Joe Eszterhas
I'm sometimes scared of everything that has happened to us. We didn't think Desilu Productions would grow so big. We merely wanted to be together and have two children.
- Lucille Ball
I think there's been a big problem between religion, or organized religion, and spirituality.
- Dave Davies
Personally I don't think solving corruption is such a big problem.
- Imran Khan
I think people are sick and tired of all the abuse songs, and drug addiction, we want to bring to world a big fat smile.
- Steve Brown
Since I was a little child, my nose - I think it's too big.
- Celine Dion
I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.
- Donald Trump
It's a big error to think that because you like somebody's work, you're going to like him.
- Paul Simon
I'm a big fan of huge populations of people, so you'd think with 300 million people in the country, you don't even have to please 1% to be phenomenally successful.
- Penn Jillette
I don't think I even knew how big we were at the time. It was mad. I gained a lot through East 17 and I'm grateful for being able to have that experience.
- Brian Harvey
Conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute have criticized Bush for his big increases in spending, which far exceed those of the Clinton era.
- Jim Cooper
They think I'm being serious when actually I'm a very big clown. But you have to know me to see that. I'm constantly cracking up and cracking everybody else around me up.
- Lenny Kravitz
I suppose young people think football is glamorous - soccer - it's big money and the stars of it, they look good and have a great big house and a huge Ferrari.
- Bryan Ferry
I think the Lombardi teams enjoyed and wanted to get into the big games.
- Ray Nitschke
Lynda Carter, I think the reason I liked her was because she was so down to earth. Even though she was a big star and she was Miss America, she was very approachable.
- Thuy Trang
Thongs don't show. With jeans, you're always going to get panty lines and I think that's just a big mistake.
- Lexa Doig
I think The Big Picture was such a huge shift from my second record.
- Michael W. Smith
So many of today's programs are about trophies and jackets, and we think that's a big mistake.
- Bobby Orr
You know, after filming the movie the book was still just as big. I think it was actually bigger. I think Stephen King went back and wrote extra pages. He's fantastic.
- Timothy Olyphant
The American people think the government in Washington is too big. That it spends too much. And - and that it's totally out of control. They want something done about it.
- John Boehner
We're making far too big a deal out of our sexual preferences. It's just another form of narcissism, and I think it can be a big problem and a tremendous obstacle.
- Andrew Cohen
We think it will be shortly afterwards, but it seems a terrible thing to gamble with such big stakes in diplomacy without having your master card in your hand.
- Henry L. Stimson
Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. But to be able to trick people year in and year out the way I did, I think that was a much greater feat.
- Bob Uecker
I think suspense is a big thing.
- Gina Philips
We tell anybody who asks that we think Apple is making a big mistake by not being compatible.
- Rob Glaser
I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think.
- Richard Pryor
If you're not adapting to the very rapidly changing environment, if you can't think creatively, you lose big in this society because there are very few jobs for you left.
- Robert Sternberg
And sometimes I actually start to think human life is just as cheap to corporate America as animal life, so long as there are big profits to be made.
- Tom Scholz
I think Linux is a great thing, in the big picture. It's a great hacker's tool, and it has a lot of potential to become something more.
- Jamie Zawinski
I like a very dry wit, not the big kind of humor like Robin Williams. I don't think I'm capable of that.
- Chris Cooper
My life has been one great big joke, a dance that's walked a song that's spoke, I laugh so hard I almost choke when I think about myself.
- Maya Angelou
And I wouldn't take on such a big thing if I didn't think I could nail it.
- Trish Stratus
I think everything Joni Mitchell did for music was big.
- Maynard James Keenan
When it comes to two of the big social earthquakes in the last fifty years - which are the gay movement and the women's movement - I think there is a direct line from Kinsey to those.
- Bill Condon
I think that Peter Jennings is the only decent one of the big three.
- Alexander Payne
I think we've come a long way since then. The big thing that changed was when ecstasy came along in Britain.
- Neil Tennant
On occasions I have been big-headed. I think most people are when they get in the limelight. I call myself Big Head just to remind myself not to be.
- Brian Clough
I think a big part of our attraction to sport movies are the stories contained within the sports.
- Rachel Griffiths
But it's just that the whole country is making generally lousy films these days and has been for quite a while. That's the big problem that we all have to think about.
- Alexander Payne
The world has become one big grassy knoll, crawling with lone gunmen who think they're the Warren Commission.
- Ken MacLeod
Just because I managed to do a little something, I don't want anyone back home to think I got the big head.
- Elvis Presley
The BBC has the obligation to think big. And at the moment, that clarion call sounds an uncertain note to me.
- Jonathan Dimbleby
And I think the American people look to the leaders to lead. They look to the leaders to take on the big problems. And the president deserves a lot of credit for doing that.
- John W. Snow
The little things, I can obey. But the big things - how we think, what we value - those you must choose yourself. You can't let anyone - or any society - determine those for you.
- Morrie Schwartz
The gun issue is a big, unresolved issue in this country right now. I think it's out of control.
- Nora Dunn
The bigger we get, I think the more it's changing things, which is great, but we didn't set out to do that. We just wanted to be as big as we possibly could be.
- Dan Hawkins
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May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
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